Faculty                         Return    


Name: Yukiharu Hisaki

 Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
 Faculty of Science
 University of the Ryukyus

Address: 1 Aza-Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun,
      Okinawa 903-0213 JAPAN

Phone: +81-98-895-8515;  Fax: +81-98-895-8552

Research interests:
 HF radar oceanography:
 Analysis of surface currents.
 Estimation of wave spectra.
 Radio wave scattering from the sea.

 Apr. 1984-Mar. 1988 Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo.
 BSc. in earth science
 Apr. 1988- Mar. 1990 Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo.
 MSc. in geophysics (physical oceanography).
 Mar. 1996 DSc., Tohoku University (physical oceanography).

Research and professional experience:
 Apr. 1990-1994 Assistant Research official at Okinawa Radio Observatory
            Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry
            of Posts and Telecommunications.
 1994-Mar. 1998 Research official at Okinawa Radio Observatory
            Communications Research Laboratory.
Apr. 1998- June 2001 Assistant Professor, University of the Ryukyus
June 2001-Oct. 2005 Associate Professor, University of the Ryukyus
Nov. 2005-present: Professor, University of the Ryukyus

Professional activities:
 Professional Organizations:
  American Meteorological Society,
  American Geophysical Union,
  The oceanographic society of Japan,
  Meteorological Society of Japan.

  Coastal Engineering Journal
  Continental Shelf Research
  Geophysical Research Letters
  IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
  Journal of Geophysical Research
  Journal of Oceanography
  Radio Science
