

毎週水曜日12:50ー C427にて

2024年度後期第13回 池田研究室ゼミ 2025年2月12日

【論文紹介】竹内 梨乃(B3)
 Sarah E. Giancola-Detmering and Robyn J. Crook(2024)
Stress produces negative judgement bias in cuttlefish
Biol. Lett. 20: 20240228.
【論文紹介】丸野 莉穂(B3)
Ryutaro Ueda, Satoshi Ansai and Hideaki Takeuchi(2024)
Rapid body colouration changes in Oryzias celebensis as a social signal influenced by environmental background
Biol. Lett. 20: 20240159.


毎週金曜日13:00ー C427にて

2023年度後期第1回 池田研究室輪読会 2023年9月以降開催予定 

【紹介者】 未定
N.B.Davies 著・J.R.Krebs 著・S.A.West 著・野間口 眞太郎 訳・山岸 哲 訳・巌佐 庸 訳
デイビス・クレブス・ウェスト行動生態学 原著第4版
2015年, 共立出版, 東京, https://www.kyoritsu-pub.co.jp/book/b10004472.html


D.R.Rubenstein 著・J.Alcock 著・松島 俊也 訳・相馬 雅代 訳・的場 知之 
オールコック・ルーベンスタイン 動物行動学 原書11版
2021年, 丸善出版, 東京, https://www.maruzen-publishing.co.jp/item/?book_no=303904


【論文紹介】篠崎 花(M1)
【論文紹介】佐々木 波音(B3)
 Araújo P, Belušič G, Ilić M, Foster J, Pfeiffer K, Baird E. (2024).
Polarized light detection in bumblebees varies with light intensity and is mediated by both the ocelli and compound eyes.
Biol. Lett. 20: 20240299.
【論文紹介】田中 睦乃(M1)
Christian Agrillo and Alessandra Pecunioso (2024).
Using an Automated Operant Conditioning Procedure to Test Colour Discrimination in Two Juvenile Piranhas, Pygocentrus nattereri: A Lesson on Failures and Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them. 
Animals, 14(22), 3187;
【論文紹介】城間 健児(B3)
Morin, A., Culburt, B. M., Mehdi, H., Balshine, S. and Turko, A. J.(2024).
Status-dependent metabolic effects of social interactions in a group-living fish.
Biol. Lett. 20:20240056.
【論文紹介】大湾 陽菜(B3)
Temeroli, E., Jelbert, S. A. and Lambert, M. L. (2024).
Do kea parrots infer the weight of objects from their movement in a breeze?
Biol. Lett. 20:20240405.
【論文紹介】丸野 莉穂(B3)
Polverino, G., Lehtonen, T. K., Geschke, A., Callahan, T., Urbancic, J. and Wong, B. B. M. (2024).
Size dependent antipredator responses in a fish-shrimp mutualism.
Biol. Lett. 20:20230285.
【論文紹介】仲田 桜子(M1)
Pungor, J. R., and Niell, C. M.
The neural basis of visual processing and behavior in cephalopads. (2023).
Current Biology, 33(20), R1106-R1118.
【論文紹介】竹内 梨乃(B3) 
Chase A. LaDue and Rebecca J. Snyder
Asian elephants distinguish sexual status and identity of unfamiliar elephants using urinary odours. (2023).
Biol. Lett. 19: 20230491.
【論文紹介】吉田 智貴(B4)
Quinlan, P. D. and Katz, P. S.
State-dependent, visually guided behaviors in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae. (2023).
J Exp Biol. 226(18): jeb245213.
【論文紹介】城間 健児(B3) 
Elisabetta Versace, Laura Freeland and Michael G. Emmerson
First-sight recognition of touched objects shows that chicks can solve Molyneux's problem. (2024).
Biol. Lett. 20: 20240025.
【論文紹介】宮城 優夏(B4)
Hirokazu Shirado, Forrest W. Crawford and Nicholas A. Christakis
Collective communication and behaviour in response to uncertain ‘Danger’ in network experiments. (2020).
【論文紹介】佐々木 波音(B3) 
Yao, R. and Garcia-Pelegrin, E.
Oriental pied hornbills (Anthracoceros albirostris) solve invisible displacement tasks in a test of Piagetian object permanence. (2024).
Biol. Lett. 20: 20230547.
【論文紹介】美濃 里彩子(B4)
Adam, E., Zanon, M., Messina, A. and Vallortigara, G.
Looks like home: numerosity, but not spatial frequency guides preference in zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio). (2024).
Animal Cognition 27(53).
【論文紹介】大湾 陽菜(B3) 
Zhou, Y., Radford, A. N., and Magrath, R. D.
Noise constrains heterospecific eavesdropping more than conspecific reception of alarm calls. (2024).
Biol. Lett. 20(1).
【論文紹介】浅倉 悠介(B4)
Francesca R Napoli, Christina M Daly, Stephanie Neal, Kyle J McCulloch, Alexandra R Zaloga, Alicia Liu, Kristen M Koenig
Cephalopod retinal development shows vertebrate-like mechanisms of neurogenesis
Animal Cognition 25 (2022).
【論文紹介】三ツ橋 光怜(B4)
Siniscalchi, M., d'Ingeo, S., Fornelli, S and Quaranta, A.
Are dogs red-green colour blind?. (2017).
R Soc open sci, 4(11).
【論文紹介】田中 睦乃(M1)
Birgit Szabo and Martin J. whiting
A new prtocol for investigating visual two-choice discrimination learning in lizards
Animal Cognition 25 (2022).
【論文紹介】仲田 桜子(M1) 
論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M2)
Nicholas W. Gladman and Graham N. Askew 
The mechanical properties of the mantle muscle of European cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(23).
【論文紹介】篠崎 花(M1)
Mor Ben-Tov, Opher Donchin, Ohad Ben-Shahar & Ronen Segev 
Pop-out in visual search of moving targets in the archer fish
【研究紹介】博多屋 汐美  (PD)
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)
頭足類の生物学 現在の潮流から マイライフ
前期第12回 2024年7月24日
【論文紹介】田中 睦乃(M1)
Stanbrook, E., Jodoin, J., Culbert, B., Shultz, S. and Balshine, S. (2020).
Learning Performance Is Influenced by the Social Environment in Cichild Fishes.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(3), 215-227. 
【論文紹介】仲田 桜子(M1)
  Drerup, C., Dunkkley, K., How, M. J and Herbert-Read, J. E. (2024).
Cuttlefish adopt disruptive camouflage under dynamic lighting.
Current Biology, 34(1-7).
【論文紹介】美濃 里彩子(B4)
Mouzen, C. D., Di-Stasi, R. and Leboucher, G. (2024).
Human perception of cats' communicative cues: human-cat communication goes multimodal.
ELSEVIER Animal Behaviour Science, 270.
前期第11回 2024年7月17日
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M2)
 Hue, T., Chateau, O., Lecellier, G., Marin, C., Coulombier, N., Dean, L. L., Gossuin, H., Adjeroud, M. and Dumas, P. (2022).
Impact of near-future ocean warming and acidification on the larval development of coral-eating starfish Acanthaster cf. solaris after parental exposure.
J Exp Marine Biol and Ecol, 548. 
【論文紹介】篠崎 花(M1)
  Ben-Haim, M. S., Monte, O. D., Fagan, N. A., Dunham, Y., Hassin, R. R., Chang, S. W. C. and Santos L. R. (2021).
Disentangling perceptual awareness from nonconscious processing in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(15).
前期第10回 2024年7月3日
【論文紹介】吉田 智貴(B4)
Chappell, D. R., Horan, T. M. & Speiser, D. I. (2021).
Panoramic spatial vision in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians
Proc. R. Soc. B 288, 20211730.
【論文紹介】宮城 優夏(B4)
 Hasenjager, M. J., Hoppitt, M.& Dugatkin L. A. (2020).
Personality composition determines social learning pathway within shoaling fish.
Proc. R. Soc. B 287, 20201871.
前期第9回 2024年6月26日
【論文紹介】三ツ橋 光怜(B4)
Stavenga, D. G., Kats, K. & Leertouwer, H. L. (2023).
Polarized iridescence of the tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes.
J Comp Physiol A 209, 877-833(2023).
前期第8回 2024年6月19日
【研究紹介】仲田 桜子 (M1)
Pungor, J. R., Allen, V. A., Songco-Casey, J. O. & Niell, C. M. (2023).
Functional organization of visual responses in the octopus optic lobe
Curr Biol. 33(13):2784-2793.e3.
前期第7回 2024年6月12日
【研究紹介】田中 睦乃 (M1)
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M2)
Garwood, J. C., Fuchs, H. L., Gerbi, G. P., Hunter, E. J., Chant, R. J. & Wilkin, J. L. (2022).
Estuarine retention of larvae: Contrasting effects of behavioral responses to turbulence and waves
Limmol. Oceanogr, 67: 992-1005.
前期第6回 2024年6月5日
【論文紹介】三ツ橋 光怜(B4)
Patel, R. N., Khill, V., Abdurahmonova, L., Driscoll, H., Patel, S., Pettyjohn-Robin, O., Shah, A., Goldwasser, T., Sparklin, B. & Cronin, T. W. (2021).
Mantis shrimp identify an object by its shape rather than its color during visual recognition
J Exp Biol, 224(8). 
【論文紹介】吉田 智貴(B4)
Irwin, A. R., Williams, S. T., Speiser, D. I. & Roberts, N. W. (2022). 
The marine gastropod Conomurex luhuanus (Strombidae) has high-resolution spatial vision and eyes with complex retinas
J Exp Biol, 225(16).
前期第5回 2024年5月29日
【論文紹介】美濃 里彩子(B4)
Firkins, J. M. E. & Kelley, A. K. (2022).
Does shading on great argus Argusianus argus feathers create a three-dimensional illusion?
Biology Letters, 18(11), 20190393.
【論文紹介】宮城 優夏(B4)
Sales, E., Rogers, L., Freire, R., Luiz, O. & Kopf, R. K. (2023).
Bold-Shy personality traits of globally invasive, native and hatchery-reared fish
Royal Society, 10(8).
前期第4回 2024年5月15日
【研究紹介】篠崎 花  (M1)
M. Bortot, C. Agrillo, A. Avargu´e-Weber, A. Bisazza, M. Elena, M. Petrazzini & M. Giurfa, (2019).
Honeybees use absolute rather than relative numerosity in number discrimination.
Biology Letters, 15(6), 20190138. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0138 
前期第3回 2024年5月8日
【研究紹介】博多屋 汐美  (PD)
前期第2回 2024年5月1日
【研究紹介】川島 菫  (PD)
前期第1回 2024年4月24日
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)


後期第14回 2024年1月31日 
Sun, X., Piao, Y., Wang, T., Wang, J., Fu, J., & Cui, J. (2023).
Keep numbers in view: red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) learn to discriminate relative quantities.
Biology Letters, 19(7), 20230203. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0203 
後期第13回 2024年1月24日
【論文紹介】三ツ橋光怜 (B3)
Wright, D. S., Manel, A. N., Guachamin-Rosero, M., Chamba-Vaca, P., Bacquet, C. N., & Merrill, R. M. (2023). 
Quantifying visual acuity in Heliconius butterflies. 
Biology Letters19(12), 20230476. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0476

Hacker, F., Smith, K., & Graham, P. (2023). Inter-species stimulus enhancement: herring gulls (Larus argentatus) mimic human food choice during foraging. Biology Letters, 19(5), 20230035. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0035
後期第12回 2024年1月17日

Taubert, J., Wally, S., & Dixson, B. J. (2023).
Preliminary evidence of an increased susceptibility to face pareidolia in postpartum women.
Biology Letters, 19(9), 20230126. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0126

【論文紹介】吉田智貴 (B3)
Graham, I. M., Gillespie, D., Gkikopoulou, K. C., Hastie, G. D., & Thompson, P. M. (2023).
Directional hydrophone clusters reveal evasive responses of small cetaceans to disturbance during construction at offshore windfarms.
Biology Letters, 19(1), 20220101. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0101

後期第11回 2024年1月10日
【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B4)
Miñano, S., Golodetz, S., Cavallari, T., & Taylor, G. K. (2023).
Through hawks’ eyes: synthetically reconstructing the visual field of a bird in flight.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 131(6), 1497-1531. 

Courtene-Jones, W., & Briffa, M. (2023).
Boldness is not associated with dynamic performance capacity in hermit crabs.
Biology Letters, 19(7), 20230224. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0224

後期第10回 2023年12月20日 
Cohen Bodenes, S., & Neri, P. (2023).
Dynamic skin signatures of cuttlefish internal states.
bioRxiv, 2023-06. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.19.545578

後期第9回 2023年12月13日
Senft, S. L., Kuzirian, A. M., & Hanlon, R. T. (2021).
Networks of linked radial muscles could influence dynamic skin patterning of squid chromatophores.
Journal of Morphology, 282(8), 1245-1258. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmor.21379

Loconsole, M., Stancher, G., & Versace, E. (2023).
Crossmodal association between visual and acoustic cues in a tortoise (Testudo hermanni).
Biology Letters, 19(7), 20230265. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0265

後期第8回 2023年11月29日
【研究紹介】大川桃子 (M2)
【論文紹介】三ツ橋光怜 (B3)
Godfrey, E. J., Cameron, E. Z., & Hickling, G. J. (2023).
Social learning in a nocturnal marsupial: is it a possum-ability?.
Biology Letters, 19(1), 20220460. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0460  

 Bliss, L., Vasas, V., Freeland, L., Roach, R., Ferrè, E. R., & Versace, E. (2023).
A spontaneous gravity prior: newborn chicks prefer stimuli that move against gravity.
Biology Letters, 19(2), 20220502. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0502

後期第7回 2023年11月22日
【論文紹介】上田奈緒 (M2)
Bennice, C. O., Rayburn, A. P., Brooks, W. R., & Hanlon, R. T. (2019).
Fine-scale habitat partitioning facilitates sympatry between two octopus species in a shallow Florida lagoon.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 609, 151-161.

【論文紹介】吉田智貴 (B3)
Joe Wynn, Bo Leberecht, Miriam Liedvogel, Lars Burnus, Raisa Chetverikova, Sara Döge, Thiemo Karwinkel, Dmitry Kobylkov, Jingjing Xuand Henrik Mouritsen (2023). 
Naive songbirds show seasonally appropriate spring orientation in the laboratory despite having never completed first migration.
 Biology Letters, 19(2), 20220478.

後期第6回 2023年11月15日
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M2)
 Velkey, A. J., Boles, J., Betts, T. K., Kay, H., Henenlotter, R., & Wiens, K. M. (2019).
High fidelity: Assessing zebrafish (Danio rerio) responses to social stimuli across several levels of realism.
Behavioural processes, 164, 100-108.

後期第5回 2023年11月1日 
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M1)
Suwandschieff, E., Mundry, R., Kull, K., Kreuzer, L., & Schwing, R. (2023).
‘Do I know you?’Categorizing individuals on the basis of familiarity in kea (Nestor notabilis).
Royal Society Open Science, 10(6).

【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B4)
van der Geest, N., Garcia, L., Nates, R. et al. (2022).
New insight into the swimming kinematics of wild Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas).
Sci Rep 12, 18151 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21459-y
Benhaïm, D., Vernier, L., & Leblanc, C. A. (2023).
Personality and temporal plasticity in fish populations along a gradient of evolutionary divergence.
Animal Behaviour, 199, 23-33.
後期第4回 2023年10月26日 
【研究紹介】上田奈緒 (M2)
【論文紹介】大川桃子 (M2)
Klappenbach, M., Medina, C., & Freudenthal, R. (2021).
Learning a non-neutral conditioned stimulus: place preference in the crab Neohelice granulata.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(8). https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.242157
後期第3回 2023年10月18日
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M2)
Kuroda, T., Ritchey, C.M. & Podlesnik, C.A. (2023).
Selective effects of conspecific movement on social preference in zebrafish (Danio rerio) using real-time 3D tracking and 3D animation.
Sci Rep 13, 10502. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-37579-y
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M1)
Nelson, C. M., & Ord, T. J. (2022).
Identifying potential cues of species identity in complex animal signals.
Animal Behaviour, 186, 121-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.02.001
後期第2回 2023年10月11日
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)
後期第1回 2023年10月4日
【オリエンテーション】池田 譲  (Prof.)
前期第13回 2023年8月9日
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M2)
Peinado, P., Fitzgibbon, Q. P., Semmens, J. M., Tracey, S., & Pecl, G. T. (2023).
Understanding species responses in a changing world by examining the predatory behaviour of southern calamari to changes in temperature.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1113984 
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M1)
Ana Sofia GuerraJacey C. Van WertAlison J. HauptDouglas J. McCauleyErika J. EliasonHillary S. YoungDavid LecchiniTimothy D. WhiteJennifer E. Caselle (2023).
Differences in the behavior and diet between shoaling and solitary surgeonfish (Acanthurus triostegus).
Ecology and Evolution, 13(1), https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9686
前期第12回 2023年7月26日
 Birt, M. J., Stowar, M., Currey-Randall, L. M., McLean, D. L., & Miller, K. J. (2019).
Comparing the effects of different coloured artificial illumination on diurnal fish assemblages in the lower mesophotic zone.
Marine biology, 166(12), 154. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-019-3595-0
【論文紹介】Steven Michael Southworth(M1)
Li, A., Richardson, J. M., & Helen Rodd, F. (2022).
Shoaling in the Trinidadian guppy: costs, benefits, and plasticity in response to an ambush predator.
Behavioral Ecology, 33(4), 758-766. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arac038
前期第11回 2023年7月19日
【論文紹介】大川 桃子(M2)
Maaß, E., & Hanke, F. D. (2022).
How harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) encode goals relative to landmarks.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(5), https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.243870
前期第10回 2023年7月12日
【論文紹介】川島 菫  (PD)
Sayigh, L. S., El Haddad, N., Tyack, P. L., Janik, V. M., Wells, R. S., & Jensen, F. H. (2023).
Bottlenose dolphin mothers modify signature whistles in the presence of their own calves.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(27),  https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2300262120
前期第9回 2023年7月5日 
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)
前期第8回 2023年6月28日 
【論文紹介】仲田 桜子(B4)
Osland, H. K., & Levin, R. N. (2022).
Cataloging Body Patterning in the Dwarf Cuttlefish (Sepia bandensis).
The Biological Bulletin, 242(3), 250-258. https://doi.org/10.1086/720364
【論文紹介】山田 麻央(B4)
Guidetti, G., Levy, G., Matzeu, G., Finkelstein, J. M., Levin, M., & Omenetto, F. G. (2021).
Unmixing octopus camouflage by multispectral mapping of Octopus bimaculoides’ chromatic elements.
Nanophotonics, 10(9), 2441-2450. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-020-01411-1
前期第7回 2023年6月21日 
【論文紹介】田中 睦乃(B4)
Xiang, L., Mi, X., Dang, Y., Zeng, Y., Jiang, W., Du, H., ... & Duan, M. (2022).
Shyer fish are superior swimmers in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii).
Frontiers in Marine Science, 9,  https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.1040225
前期第6回 2023年6月14日
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M2)
Ghoshal A, & Bhat A. (2021)
Group size and aquatic vegetation modulates male preferences for female shoals in wild zebrafish, Danio rerio.
Scientific Reports 11, 1236 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80913-x
【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B4)
Sampaio E, Ramos CS, Bernardino BLM, Bleunven M, Augustin ML, Moura É, Lopes VM, & Rosa R. (2021)
Neurally underdeveloped cuttlefish newborns exhibit social learning.
Animal Cognition, 2021 Jan;24(1):23-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-020-01411-1
前期第5回 2023年6月7日 
【論文紹介】大川 桃子(M2)
Escobar-Camacho, D., Taylor, M. A., Cheney, K. L., Green, N. F., Marshall, N. J., & Carleton, K. L. (2019).
Color discrimination thresholds in a cichlid fish: Metriaclima benetos.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(17). https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.201160
前期第4回 2023年5月24日 
【論文紹介】仲田 桜子(B4)
El Nagar, A., Osorio, D., Zylinski, S., & Sait, S. M. (2021).
Visual perception and camouflage response to 3D backgrounds and cast shadows in the European cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(11).
【論文紹介】山田 麻央(B4)
Drerup, C., Sykes, A. V., & Cooke, G. M. (2020).
Behavioural aspects of the spotty bobtail squid Euprymna parva (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 530.
前期第3回 2023年5月17日 
【論文紹介】田中 睦乃(B4)
Barrett, L. P., Marsh, J. L., Boogert, N. J., Templeton, C. N., & Benson-Amram, S. (2022).
Links between personality traits and problem-solving performance in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).
Royal Society Open Science, 9(6), 212001.
前期第2回 2023年5月10日
【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B4)
Siebert R, Taubert N, Spadacenta S, Dicke PW, Giese MA, & Thier P.
A Naturalistic Dynamic Monkey Head Avatar Elicits Species-Typical Reactions and Overcomes the Uncanny Valley.
eNeuro. 2020 Jul 7;7(4):ENEURO.0524-19.2020. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0524-19.2020. Erratum in: eNeuro. 2022 Jun 29;9(3): PMID: 32513660; PMCID: PMC7340843.

前期第1回 2023年4月26日
 【研究紹介】上田奈緒 (M2)  


後期第14回 2023年2月1日
【論文紹介】上田奈緒 (M1)
Jefferson W. Humbert, Kresimir Williams, & Kirt L. Onthank
Den-associated behavior of Octopus rubescens revealed by a motion-activated camera trap system
Integrative and Comparative Biology (2022). 62(4), 1131-1143. https://doi.org/10.11093/icb/icac124.
【論文紹介】山田麻央 (B3) 
Stephanie Chancellor, Lisa Abbo, Bret Grasse, Taylor Sakmar, Joel S. Brown, David Scheel, & Rachel M. Santymire
Determining the effectiveness of using dermal swabs to evaluate the stress physiology of laboratory cephalopods: A preliminary invetigation
General and Comparative Endocrinology (2021). 314, 113903. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2021.113903.
後期第13回 2023年1月25日
【論文紹介】大川桃子 (M1)
Carina Nebel, Petra Sumasgutner, Adrien Pajot, & Arjun Amar
Response time of an avian prey to a simulated hawk attack is slower in darker conditions, but is independent of hawk colour morph
Royal Society Open Science (2019). 6, 190677. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.190677.
【論文紹介】仲田桜子 (B3) 
Daniel Osorio, François Ménager, Christopher W. Tyler, & Anne-Sophie Darmaillacq
Multiple-level control of adaptive camouflage by European cuttlefish
Current Biology (2022). 32(11), 2556-2562. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.030. 
後期第12回 2023年1月18日
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M1)
Yang Bai, Zhong-Hua Tang, & Shi-Jian Fu
Numerical ability in fish species: preference between shoals of different sizes varies among singletons, conspecific dyads and heterospecific dyads
Animal Cognition (2019). 22, 133-143. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-018-1229-4.
【論文紹介】田中睦乃 (B3) 
Alexandra K. Schnell, Nicola S. Clayton, Roger T. Hanlon. & Chrstelle Jozet-Alves
Episodic-like memory is preserved with age in cuttlefish
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2021). 288, 20211052. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.1052.
後期第11回 2023年1月11日
【論文紹介】山田麻央 (B3) 
Maria Santacà, Angelo Bisazza, & Christian Agrillo
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are decieved by visual illusions during obstacle negotiation
Biology Letters (2022). 18, 29219548. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2021.0548.
【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B3)
P.C. Brady, M.E. Cummings, V.Gruev, T. Hernandez, S. Blair, A. Vail, & M. Garcia
In situ measurements of reef squid polarization patterns using two-dimensional polarization data mapped onto three-dimensional tessellated surfaces
Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2021). 18, 20210703. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2021.0703.
後期第10回 2023年1月4日
 【研究紹介】釜田亜里亜 (B4)  
【論文紹介】田中睦乃 (B3) 
Ruijiao Sun, Joanie Van de Walle, Samantha C. Patrick, Christophe Barbraud, Henri Weimerskirch, Karine Delord, & Stéphanie Jenouvrier
Boldness predicts divorce rates in wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans)
Biology Letters (2022). 18, 20220301.
【論文紹介】仲田桜子 (B3) 
Martin Beal, Paulo Catry, Aissa Regalla, Castro Barbosa, António J. Pires, Julie Mestre, Cheibani Senhoury, Ebaye Sidina, & Ana Rita Patrício
Satellite tracking reveals sex-specific migration distance in green turtles (Chelonia mydas)
Biology Letters (2022). 18, 20220325. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0325.  
後期第9回 2022年12月21日
 【論文紹介】柿本 藍 (B4)
Stefan Spreitzenbarth, & Andrew Jeffs
Egg survival and morphometric development of a merobenthic octopus, Octopus tetricus, embryos in an artificial octopus egg rearing system
Aquaculture (2020). 526, 735389.
【論文紹介】嚴 丞鎬 (B3)
Logan S. James, A. Leonie Baier, Rachel A. Page, Paul Clements, Kimberly L. Hunter, Ryan C. Taylor, & Michael J. Ryan
Cross-modal facilitation of auditory discrimination in a frog
Biology Letters (2022). 18, 20220098. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0098.
後期第8回 2022年12月14日
【研究紹介】楳田航紀 (B4)
【論文紹介】釜田亜里亜 (B4) 
Kochen W., Gomerex J., & Powers, A.S.
Painted turtles solve a detour task using proximal cues.
Animal Behavior and Cognition (2022). 9(4), 408-415. https://doi.org/10.26451/abc.
後期第7回 2022年11月30日
【研究紹介】石田 学 (研究生)
後期第6回 2022年11月16日
【研究紹介】島田佳英 (M2)
【研究紹介】上田奈緒 (M1)
カクレダコ属の一種Abdopus sp.の社会性と再生産過程の検討
後期第5回 2022年11月9日
【研究紹介】大川桃子 (M1)
【研究紹介】信田直希 (M1)
 【論文紹介】柿本 藍 (B4)
Oscar E. Juárez, Laura López-Galindo, Leonel Pérez-Carrasco, Asunción Lago-Lestón, Carlos Rosas, Anna Di Cosmo, & Clara E. Galindo-Sánchez
Octopus maya white body show sex-specific transcriptomic profiles during the reproductive phase, with high differentiation in signaling pathways
PLoS ONE (2019) 14, e0216982. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216982.
後期第4回 2022年11月2日 
【論文紹介】楳田航紀 (B4)
 Filipa Abreu, Antonio Souto, Daniela M.O. Bonci, Viviani Mantovani, Daniel M.A. Pessoa, & Nicola Schiel
Detection of insect prey by wild common marmosets: The effect of color vision
American Journal of Primatology (2019) 81, e22963. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.22963.
後期第3回 2022年10月26日
【論文紹介】島田佳英 (M2)
Siân Vincent Venables, Christian Drerup, Samuel B. Powell, N. Justin Marshall, James E. Herbert-Read, & Martin J. How.
Polarization vision mitigates visual noise from flickering light underwater
Science Advances (2022) 8, eabq2770. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq2770.
後期第2回 2022年10月19日
【研究紹介】川島 菫  (PD)
【研究紹介】櫻井裕真  (D3)
後期第1回 2022年10月12日
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)
前期第13回 2022年7月20日
【論文紹介】辻本優友 (M1)
Priscilla Kelly Silva Barros, Felipe Nalon Castro, & Daniel Marques Almeida Pessoa
Detection of conspicuous and cryptic food by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): An evaluation of the importance of color and shape cues
Behavioural Processes (2021) 192, 104495
【研究紹介】Jirapan Satjarak (Prince of Songkla University)
Curriculum Vitae & Research Interesting
前期第12回 2022年7月13日
【論文紹介】柿本 藍 (B4)
Laura López-Galindo, Clara, Galindo-Sánchez, Alberto Olivares, Omar Hernando Avlia-Poveda, Fernando Díaz, Oscar E. Juárez, Fabiola Lafarga, Jordi Pantoja-Pérez, Claudia Caamal-Monsreal, & Carlos Rosas
Reproductive performance of Octopus maya males conditioned by thermal stress
Ecological Indicators (2019) 96, 437-447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.036.
【論文紹介】釜田亜里亜 (B4)
Ning Zhang, Wei Luo, Pengyu Chen, Shoudong Zhang, Yibo Zhang, Defang Chen, Xiaoli Huang, Jun Jiang, Yan Wang, Shiyong Yang, Song Yang, Liulan Zhao, Zhonggang Guo, Jie Huang, Yuejin Long, & Zongjun Du
A novel fish behavior: "Floating" of Paramisgurnus dabryanus loaches
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2022) 246, 105510. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2021.105510.
前期第11回 2022年7月6日
【論文紹介】楳田航紀 (B4)
Karen L. Cheney, Naomi F. Green, Alexander, P. Vibert, Misha Vorobyev, N. Justin Marshall, Daniel C. Osorio, & John A. Endler
An Ishihara-style test of animal colour vision
Journal of Experimental Biology (2019) 222, jeb189787. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.189787.
前期第10回 2022年6月29日
【論文紹介】島田佳英 (M2)
Valeria Fattoruso, Gianfranco Anfora, & Valerio Mazzoni
Vibrational communication and mating behavior of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Scientific Reports (2021) 11, 6543. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85904.
【論文紹介】石田 学 (研究生)
Giovanna Ponte, Morag Taite, Luciana Borrelli, Andrea Tarallo, A. Louise Allocock, & Graziano Fiorito
Cerebrotypes in cephalopods: Brain diversity and its correlation with species habits, life history, and physiological adaptations
Forntiers in Neuroanatomy (2021) 14, 565109. DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2020.565109.
前期第9回 2022年6月22日
【論文紹介】大川桃子 (M1)
Jessica L. Yorzinski, Gail L. Patricelli, Siarhei Bykau, & Michael L. Platt
Selective attention in peacocks during assessment of rival males
Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1146-1153. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.150946.
【論文紹介】信田直希 (M1)
Luis M. Gómez-Laplaza & Robert Gerlai
Video playback versus live stimuli to assess quantity discrimination in angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
Behavior Research Methods (2021) DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01738-8. 
前期第8回 2022年6月15日
【論文紹介】川島 菫  (PD)
Aleksandra Ćweik, Susanne Fuchs, Christoph Draxler, Eva Liina Asu, Dan Dediu, Katri Hiovain, Shigeto Kawabata, Sofia Koutlidis, Manfred Krifka, Pärtel Lippus, Gray Lupyan, Grace R. Oh, Jing Paul, Caterina Petrone, Rachild Ridouane, Sabine Reiter, Nathalie Schümchen, Ádám Szalontai, Özlem Ünal-Logacev, Jochen Zeller, Bodo Winter, & Marcus Perlman
Novel vocalization are understood across cultures
Scientific Reports (2021) 11: 10108. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89445-4.
【論文紹介】上田奈緒 (M1)
Peter Morse & Christine Huffard
Tactile social recognition in octopuses
Available at SSRN 3945927.
前期第7回 2022年6月8日
【論文紹介】櫻井裕真 (D3)
Hugo Cousillas, Laurence Henry, Isabelle George, Schedir Marchesseau, & Martine Hausberger
Lateralization of social signal brain processing correlates with the degree of social integration in a songbird
Scientific Reports (2020) 10: 14093. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70946-7.
【論文紹介】柿本 藍 (B4)
Christian M. Ibáñez, Javiera Pérez-Álvarez, Jennifer Catalán, Sergio A. Carrasco, M. Cecilia Pardo-Gandarillas, & Enrico L. Rezende
Sexual selection and the evolution of male reproductive traits in benthic octopuses
Frontiers in Physiology (2019) 10: 1238. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01238.
前期第6回 2022年6月1日
【論文紹介】楳田航紀 (B4)
Melanie Brauckhoff, Magnus Wahlberg, Jens Ådne Rekkedal Haga, Hans Erik Karlsen, & Maria Wilson
Embracing their prey at that dark hour: Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can hunt in nighttime light conditions
Frontiers in Physiology, 11: 525. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00525.
【論文紹介】釜田亜里亜 (B4)
Tzu-Ting Chung, Anne-Sophi Darmaillacq, Ludovic Dickel, & Chuan-Chin Chiao
The effect of unexpected rewards on decision making in cuttlefish
Scientific Reports (2022) 12: 2514. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-06443-w.
前期第5回 2022年5月25日
【論文紹介】島田佳英 (M2)
Alice Goerger, Anne-Sophie Darmaillacq, Nadav Shashar, & Ludovic Dickel
Early exposure to water turbidity affects visual capacities in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis)
Frontiers in Physiology (2021) 12: 622126. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.622126.
【論文紹介】辻本優友 (M2)
Emelie A. Brodrick, Martin J. How, & Jan M. Hemmi
Fiddler crab electroretinograms reveal vast circadian shifts in visual sensitivity and temporal summation in dim light
Journal of Experimental Biology (2022) 225: jeb243693.
前期第4回 2022年5月18日
【研究紹介】信田直希 (M1)
【研究紹介】石田 学 (研究生)
前期第3回 2022年5月11日
【研究紹介】上田奈緒 (M1)
【研究紹介】大川桃子 (M1)
前期第2回 2022年4月20日
【研究紹介】川島 菫  (PD)
【研究紹介】櫻井裕真 (D3)
前期第1回 2022年4月13日
【話題提供】池田 譲  (Prof.)


後期第13回 2022年1月26日
【論文紹介】釜田亜里亜 (B3)
Mizuki Uemura, Andrej Meglič、Myron P. Zalucki, Andrea Battisti, & Gregor Belušič
Spatial orientation of social caterpillars is influenced by polarized light
Biology Letters (2021) 17: 20200736. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0736.
後期第12回 2022年1月19日
【論文紹介】辻本優友 (M1)
Christian Drerup & Martin J. How
Polarization contrasts and their effect on the gaze stabilization of crustaceans
Journal of Experimental Biology (2021) 224: jeb229898. doi:10.1242/jeb.229898.
後期第11回 2022年1月12日
【論文紹介】島田佳英 (M1)
Yakir Luc Gagnon, Rachel Marie Templin, Martin John How, & N. Justin Marshall
Circularly polarized light as a communication signal in mantis shrimps
Current Biology (2015) 25: 3074-3078. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.10.047
【論文紹介】楳田航紀 (B3)
Karen Y. Cheng & Mark A. Frye
Odour boosts visual object approach in flies
Biology Letters (2021) 17: 20200770. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0770
後期第10回 2021年12月22日
【論文紹介】 信田直希 (B4)
Simone Marci, Daniele Neri, Tommaso Ruberto, Violet Mwaffo, Sachit Butail, & Mazurizio Porfiri
Three-dimensional scoring of zebrafish behavior unveils biological phenomena hidden by two-dimensional analyses
Scientific Reports (2017) 7: 1962. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-01990-z.
【論文紹介】 西 勇飛 (B4)
Tamar Guntnick, Letizia Zullo, Binyamin Hochner, & Michael J. Kuba
Use of peripheral sensory information for central nervous control of arm movement by Octopus vulgaris
Current Biology (2020) 30: 4322-4327. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.037.
後期第9回 2021年12月15日
【論文紹介】柏丸春輝 (B4)
Chelsea O. Bennice, W. Randy Brooks, & Roger T. Hanlon
Behavioral dynamics provide insight into resource exploitation and habitat coexistance of two octopus species in a shallow Florida lagoon
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (2021) 542-543: 151592. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151592.
【論文紹介】 釜田亜里亜 (B3)
Poppy J. Lambert, Alexandra Stiegler, Theresa Rössler, Megan L. Lambert, & Alice M.I. Auersperg
Goffin's cockatoos discriminate objects based on weight alone
Biology Letters (2021) 17: 20210250. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2021.0250.
後期第8回 2021年12月8日
【論文紹介】石田 学 (B4)
Wen-Sung Chung, Nyoman D. Kurniawan, & N. Justin Marshall
Comparative brain structure and visual processing in octopus from different habitats
Current Biology (2022) 32, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.10.070.
【論文紹介】 楳田航紀 (B3)
Atsushi Sogabe & Kiishi Takatsuji
Marine-dumped waste tyres cause the ghost fishing of hermit crabes
Royal Society Open Science (2021) 8, 210166. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210166.
後期第7回 2021年12月1日
【論文紹介】Elia Inguscio (M2)
Andrea Ravignani & Maxime Garcia
A cross-species framework to identify vocal learning abilities in mammals
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 337: 20200394. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2020.0394.
【進捗報告】 辻本優友 (M1)
後期第6回 2021年11月24日
【論文紹介】原 遼 (M2)
Christian Dreup & Gavan, M. Cooke
Shoaling behaviour in the European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis
Ethology (2021) 127, 1101-1108. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13226.
【進捗報告】島田佳英 (M1)
後期第5回 2021年11月17日
【論文紹介】川島 菫 (D3)
Itamar Katz, Tal Shomrat, & Nir Nesher
Feel the light: Sight-independent negative phototactic response in octopus arms
Journal of Experimental Biology (2021) 224, jeb237529. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.237529.
【進捗報告】Elia Inguscio (M2)
Morphohistological descripion of sexual maturity in male Plain-body octopus (Callistoctopus aspilosomatis) with reference to its reproductive strategy
後期第4回 2021年11月10日
【論文紹介】櫻井裕真 (D2)
Gignac, P.M., O'Brien, H.D., Sanchez, J., & Vazquez-Sanroman, D.
Multiscale imaging of the rat brain using an integrated diceCT and histology workflow
Brain Structure and Function (2021) 226, 2153-2168. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-021-02316-6.
【進捗報告】原 遼 (M2)
後期第3回 2021年10月27日
【進捗報告】川島 菫 (D3)
タコの学校: 若齢期カクレダコ属における学習と感覚知覚評価の試み
後期第2回 2021年10月20日
【進捗報告】櫻井裕真 (D2)
後期第1回 2021年10月13日
【話題提供】池田 譲 (Prof.)
前期第12回 2021年7月14日
【論文紹介】 櫻井裕真 (D2)
Pascal P. Klamser & Pawel Romanczuk
Collective predator evasion: Putting the criticality hypothesis to the test
PLoS Computational Biology (2021) 17: e1008832. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008832.
【論文紹介】 原 遼 (M2)
Zonghang Zhang, Qingqing Bai, Xiuwen Xu, & Xiumei Zhang
Effects of the dominance hierarchy on social interaction, cortisol level, HPG-axis activities and reproductive success in the golden cuttlefish Sepia esculenta
Aquaculture (2021) 533: 736059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.736059.
前期第11回 2021年7月7日
【調査報告】 川島 菫 (D3)
【論文紹介】 Elia Inguscio (M2)
C. Monestier,  N. Morellet, J.M. Gaillard, B.Cargnelutti, C. Vanpé, & A.J.M. Hewison
Is a proactive mum a good mum? A mother's coping style influences early fawn survival in roe deer
Behavioral Ecology (2015) 26: 1395-1403. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arv087.
前期第10回 2021年6月30日
【論文紹介】 島田佳英 (M1)
Alejandra López Galán, Wen-Sung Chung, & N. Justin Marshall
Dynamic courtship signals and mate preferences in Sepia plangon
Frontiers in Physiology (2020) 11: 845. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00845.
【論文紹介】 辻本優友 (M1)
Shelby E. Temple, Martin J. How, Samuel B. Powell, Viktor Gruev, N. Justin Marshall, & Nicholas W. Roberts
Thresholds of polarization vision in octopuses
Journal of Experimental Biology (2021) 224: jeb240812. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.240812.
前期第9回 2021年6月16日
【論文紹介】 信田直希 (B4)
Tomohiro Nakayasu, Masaki Yasugi, Soma Shiraishi, Seiichi Uchida, & Eiji Watanabe
Three-dimensional computer graphic animations for studying social approach behaviour in medaka fish: Effects of systematic manipulation of morphological and motion cues
PLoS ONE (2017) 12: e0175059. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175059.
【論文紹介】 西 勇飛 (B4)
Nir Nesher, Federica Maiole, Tal Shomrat, Benyamin Hochner, & Letizia Zullo
From synaptic input to muscle cotraction: arm muscle cells of Octopus vulgaris show unique neuromuscular junction and excitation-contraction coupling properties
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2019) 286: 20191278. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.1278.
前期第8回 2021年6月9日 
【論文紹介】柏丸春輝 (B4)
Longwu Wang, Yuhan Zhang, Wei Liang, & Anders P. Moller
Common cuckoo females remove more conspicuous eggs during parasitism
Royal Society Open Science (2021) 8: 201264. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.201264.
前期第7回 2021年6月2日
【論文紹介】辻本優友 (M1)
N. Victory, Y. Segovia, & M. Garcia
Foveal shape, ultrastructure and photoreceptor composition in yellow-legged gull, Larus michahellis (Naumann, 1840)
Zoomorphology (2021) 140: 151-167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00435-020-00512-2.
【論文紹介】石田 学 (B4)
Robyn J. Crook
Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence suggests affective pain experience in octopus
iScience (2021) 24: 19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102229.
前期第6回 2021年5月26日
【論文紹介】 原 遼 (M2)
Shun Satoh, Redouan Bshary, Momoko Shibasaki, Seishiro Inaba, Shumpei Sogawa, Takashi Hotta, Satoshi Awata, & Masanori Kohda
Prosocial and antisocial choices in a monogamous cichlid with biparental care
Nature Communications (2021) 12: 1775. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22075-6.
【論文紹介】島田佳英 (M1)
Alexandra K. Schnell, Markus Boeckle, Micaela Rivera, Nicola S. Clayton, & Roger T. Hanlon
Cuttlefish exert self-control in a delay of gratification task
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2021) 288: 20203161. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.3161.
前期第5回 2021年5月19日
【論文紹介】 Elia Inguscio (M2)
Rohan M. Brooker, Jordan M. Casey, Zara-Louise Cowan, Tiffany L. Sih, Danielle L. Dixson, Andrea Manica, & William E. Feeney
Domestication via the commensal pathway in a fish-invertebrate mutualism
Nature Communications (2020) 11: 6253. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19958-5.
【論文紹介】西 勇飛 (B4) 
P. Billard, N.S. Clayton, & C. Jozet-Alves
Cuttlefish retrieve whether they smelt or saw a previously encountered item
Scientific Reports (2020) 10: 5413. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-62335-x.
前期第4回 2021年5月12日
【論文紹介】柏丸春輝 (B4)
Duncan A. O'Brien, Michelle L. Taylor, Heather D. Masonjones, Philipp H. Boersch-Supan, & Owen R. O'Shea
An experimental assessment of social tolerance and den ecology in a high-density octopus population
Marine Biology (2021) 168: 61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-021-03865-4.
【論文紹介】信田直希 (B4)
Blake L. Spady & Sue-Ann Watson
Bigfin reef squid demonstrate capacity for conditional discrimination and projected future carbon dioxide levels have no effect on learning capabilities
PeerJ (2020) 8: e9865. https:doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9865.
前期第3回 2021年4月28日
【論文紹介】石田 学 (B4)
Tsunemi Kubodera, Yasuhiro Koyama, & Wen-Sung Chung
How the giant squid, Architeuthis dux, maneuver long tentacles for hunting
Annals of Marine Biology and Research (2021) 7: 1031.
前期第2回 2021年4月21日
【研究紹介】島田佳英 (M1)
【研究紹介】辻本優友 (M1)
Callistoctopus aspilosomatisの視覚特性に関する解剖学的特性
前期第1回 2021年4月14日
【研究紹介】池田 譲 (Prof.)
【研究紹介】川島 菫 (D3)
【研究紹介】櫻井裕真 (D2)


後期第12回 2021年1月27日
 【論文紹介】柏丸春輝 (B3)
Ross Davies, Mary H. Gagen, James C. Bull, & Edward C. Pope
Maze learning and memory in a decapod crustacean
Biology Letters (2019) 15: 20190407. https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0407.
後期第11回 2021年1月20日
【論文紹介】西 勇飛 (B3)
Jessica F. Stephenson
Parasite-induced plasticity in host social behaviour depends on sex and susceptibility
Biology Letters (2019) 15: 20190557. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0557.
後期第10回 2021年1月13日
【論文紹介】原 遼 (M1)
L. Anneser, I.C. Alcantara, A. Gemmer, K. Mirkes, S. Ryu, & E.M. Schuman
The neuropeptide Pth2 dynamically senses others via mechanosensation
Nature (2020) 588, 653-657. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2988-z.
 【論文紹介】信田直希 (B3)
A.T.Korzeniowska, H. Root-Gutteridge, J. Simner, & D. Reby
Audio-visual crossmodal correspondences in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
Bioligy Letters (2019) 15: 20190564. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0564. 
後期第9回 2020年12月23日
【論文紹介】石田 学 (B3)
Ammie K. Kalan, Eleonora Carmignani, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Solvi Ystad, Jacques Chatron, & Mitsuko Aramaki
Chimoanzees use tree species with a resonant timbre for accumulative stone throwing
Biology Letters (2019) 15: 20190747. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0747. 
後期第8回 2020年12月16日
【論文紹介】Elia Inguscio (M1)
Kohda M., Hotta T., Takeyama T., Awata S. Tanaka H. Asai J-y, Jordan A.L.
If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals?
PLoS Biology (2019) 17(2): e3000021. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000021.
後期第7回 2020年12月9日
【論文紹介】木本 翔 (M2)
Zhijiab Jiang, Delian Huang, Yang Fang, Lijun Cui, Chunyu Zhao, Songlin Liu, Yunchao Wu, Qiming Chen, Chanaka Isuranga Premarathne Maha Ranvilage, Jialu He, & Xiaoping Huang
Home for marine species: Seagrass leaves as vital spawning grounds and food source
Frontiers in Marine Science (2020) 17. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00194.
【論文紹介】柏丸春樹 (B3)
Faye J. Thompson, Kingsley L. Hunt, Kallum Wright, Rebeca B. Rosengaus, Erin L. Cole, Graham Birch, Avery L. Maune, & Michael A. Cant
Who goes there? Social surveillance as a response to intergroup conflict in a primitive termite
Biology Letters (2020) 16: 20200131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0131.
後期第6回 2020年12月2日
【論文紹介】櫻井裕真 (D1)
Wen-Sung Chung, Nyoman D. Kurniawan, & N. Justin Marshall
Toward an MRI-based mesoscale connectome of the squid brain
iSience (2020) 23: 100816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2019.100816
【論文紹介】西 勇飛 (B3)
M. Wyatt Toure, Fletcher J. Young, W. Owen Mcmillan, & Stephen H. Montgomery
Heliconiini butterflies can learn time-dependent reward associations
Biology Letters (2020) 16: 20200424. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0424
後期第5回 2020年11月25日
【論文紹介】川島 菫 (D3)
Valeria Maselli, Al-Sayed Al-Soudy, Maria Buglione, Massimo Aria, Gianluca Polese & Anna Di Cosmo
Sensorial hierarchy in Octopus vulgaris's food choice: chemical vs visual
Animals (2020) 10: 457. DOI: 10.3390/ani10030457
【論文紹介】信田直希 (B3)
Pauline Billard, Alexandra K. Schnell, Nicola S. Clayton & Christelle Jozet-Alves
Cuttlefish show flexible and future-dependent foraging cognition
Biology Letters (2020) 16: 20190743. https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0743
後期第4回 2020年11月18日
【論文紹介】岡本光平 (PD)
R.C. Feord, M.E. Sumner, S. Pusdekar, L. Kalra, P.T. Gonzalez-Bellido & Trevor J. Wardill
Cuttlefish use stereopsis to strike at prey
Science Advances (2020) 6: eaay6036. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay6036
【論文紹介】石田 学 (B3)
Rachael C. Shaw & Annette Harvey
Long-term memory for learned behaviour in a wild bird
Biology Letters (2020) 16: 20190912. https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0912
後期第3回 2020年11月11日
【論文紹介】諸見里真吏 (B4)
Guðbjörg Ásta Ólafsdóttir & Kit Magellan
Interactions between boldness, foraging performance and behavioural plasticity across social contexts
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, (2016) 70: 1879-1889. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-016-2193-0
後期第2回   2020年11月4日
【論文紹介】 辻本優友 (B4)
Wen-Sung Chung, & N. Justin Marshall
Complex visual adaptations in squid for specific tasks in different environments
Frontiers in Physiology (2017) 8: 105. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00105
後期第1回 2020年10月28日
【論文紹介】石井凌太 (B4)
Gioele Capillo, Marilena Sanfilippo, Serena Savoca, Marco Albano, Francesco Fazio, Giuseppe Panarello, Giuseppe Scifo, & Nunziacarla Spanò
Body patterning of Sepia officinalis in captivity, from feeding to reproduction
Research and Advances: Aquatic Sciences (2019) 1: 1-9. 10.33513/RAAS/1901-01
後期第0回 2020年10月21日
【話題提供】池田 譲 (Prof.)
前期第9回 2020年8月6日
【論文紹介】木本 翔 (M2)
Vellathi Venkatesan, & Santhanam Rajagopal
Reproductive biology of commercially valuable squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Lesson, 1830) taken as by-catch in a tropical trawl fishery
Notulae Scientia Biologicae (2012) 4: 14-19. DOI: 10.15835/nsb.4.4.8186
【論文紹介】櫻井裕真 (D1)
Elisabetta Versace, Matteo Caffini, Zach Werkhoven, & Benjamin L. de Bivort
Individual, but not population asymmetries, are modulated by social environment and genotype in Drosophila melanogaster
Scientific Reports (2020) 10: 4480. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61410-7
前期第8回 2020年7月30日
【論文紹介】石井凌太 (B4)
Hannah Rosen, William Gilly, Lauren Bell, Kyler Abernathy, & Greg Marshall
Chromogenic behaviors of the Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas)  studied in situ with an animal-borne video package
The Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218: 265-275. doi: 10.1242/jeb.114157
【論文紹介】 Elia Inguscio (M1)
Sam Reiter, & Gilles Laurent
Visual perception and cuttlefish camouflage
Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2020) 60: 47-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2019.10.010
前期第7回 2020年7月16日
【論文紹介】諸見里真吏 (B4)
Eric Edsinger, Reuven Pnini, Natsumi Ono, Ryoko Yanagisawa, Kathryn Dever, & Jonathan Miller
Social tolerance in Octopus laqueus – A maximum entropy model
PLoS ONE (2020) 15(6): e0233834. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233834
【論文紹介】原 遼 (M1)
Elena Dreosti, Goncalo Lopes, Adam R. Kampff, & Stephen W. Wilson
Development of social behavior in young zebrafish
Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2015) 9: 39. DOI: 10.3389/fncir.2015.00039
前期第6回 2020年7月9日
【論文紹介】辻本優友 (B4)
Aaron b. Evans, Monica L. Acosta, & Kathrin S. Bolstad
Retinal development and ommin pigment in the Cranchiid squid Teuthowenia pellucida (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida)
PLoS ONE (2015) 10(5): e0123453. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0123453
【論文紹介】川島 菫 (D3)
Toshitaka N. Suzuki
Alarm calls evoke a visual search image of a predator in birds
PNAS (2018) 115(7): 1541-1545. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718884115
前期第5回 2020年7月2日
【論文紹介】櫻井裕真 (D1)
Soaleha Shams, Shahid Amlani, Christine Buske, Diptendu Chatterjee, & Robert Gerlai
Developmental social isolation affects adult behavior, social interaction, and dopamine metabolite levels in zebrafish
Developmental Psychobiology (2018) 60: 43-56. DOI: 10.1002/dev.21581
前期第4回 2020年度6月25日
【論文紹介】石井凌太 (B4)
Alexandra K. Schnell, Carolynn L. Smith, Roger T. Hanlon, & Robert Harcourt
Giant Australian cuttlefish use mutual assessment to resolve male-male contests
Animal Behaviour (2015) 107: 31-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.05.026
【論文紹介】木本 翔 (M2)
Chen-Yen Lin, Chih-Shin Chen, & Chuan-Chin Chiao
The overlapping reproduction traits of the two male mating types of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Fisheries Science (2019) 85: 339-347. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-018-1283-5
前期第3回 2020年6月18日
【論文紹介】原 遼 (M1)
Eric Edsinger, & Gül Dölen
A conserved role for serotonergic neurotransmission in mediating social behavior in octopus
Current Biology (2018) 28: 3136-3142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2018.07.061
【論文紹介】Elia Inguscio (M1)
Simone Gori, Christian Agrillo, Marco Dadda, & Angelo Bisazza
Do fish perceive illusory motion?
Scientific Reports (2015) 4: 6443. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep06443
前期第2回 2020年6月11日
【論文紹介】辻本 優友 (B4)
Yung-Chieh Liu, Tsung-Han Liu, Chun-Chieh Yu, Chia-Hao Su, & Chuan-Chin Chiao
Mismatch between the eye and the optic lobe in the giant squid
Royal Society Open Science (2017) 4: 170289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.170289
前期第1回 2020年6月4日
【論文紹介】諸見里真吏 (B4)
Madhura S. Amdekar, & Maria Thaker
Risk of social colours in an agamid lizard: implications for the evolution of dynamic signals
Biology Letters (2019) 15: 20190207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0207