琉球大学 農学部 亜熱帯動物学講座トップへ

教授 (Professor)

Professor Kazuki Tsuji

Laboratory of Subtropical Zoology, Department of Environmental Scienses and Technology, Facalty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus. Senbaru 1, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan, 903-0213
辻 瑞樹 (辻 和希)  Kazuki tsuji

 Kazuki Tsuji’s major discipline is evolutionary ecology of social insects. My current interests are theoretical and empirical approaches to combining theories of lifehistory strategy, community ecology and social evolution. Sociobiological studies on conflict within insect societies have also been a focus of my work. Recently, living in Okinawa, I have been handling other groups of insects including butterflies and beetles, although results of these studies are mostly unpublished. Following is a list of specific questions and subjects in recent studies.

 Why are exotic ants usually, though not always, disturbed-habitat specialists? My simple hypothesis is that they are “r-selected”. Yet this idea has not attracted attention from the myrmecological community where competition is believed to be the hallmark of ant ecology. Articles on this subject are

Nakamaru, M., Beppu, Y., Tsuji, K. (2007) Does disturbance favor dispersal? An analysis of ant migration using the colony-based lattice model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 248:288-300.

Tsuji, K., Tsuji, N. (1996) Evolution of life history strategies in ants: variation in queen number and mode of colony founding. Oikos 76: 83-92.

Tsuji, K. (2010) Unicolonial ants: loss of colony identity. In Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, eds M. Breed & J. Moore, Academic Press, Oxford. vol. 3: 469-473.

 Analysis of the micro-evolutionary process of cheater/cooperator dynamics using kin and group selection models. This long-term research is still mostly unpublished except for some earlier publications listed below.

Tsuji. K. (1995) Reproductive conflicts and levels of selection in the ant Pristomyrmex pungens: contextual analysis and partitioning of covariance. The American Naturalist 146: 586-607.

Dobata, S., Sasaki, T., Mori, H., Hasegawa, E., Shimada, M., Tsuji, K. (2009) Cheater genotypes in the parthenogenetic ant Pristomyrmex punctatus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 276(1656): 567-574.

Dobata, S., Mori, H., Sasaki, T., Hasegawa, E., Shimada, M., Tsuji, K. (2010) Persistence of the single lineage of transmissible “social cancer” in an asexual ant. Molecular Ecology (in press) DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04954.x

 Social conflict and its relationship to individual and colonial life history strategies. I believe that focus on colony size or the colony growth stage is very fruitful for better understanding of the intracolonial conflicts of social insects revealed by kin selection theory.

Ohtsuki, H., Tsuji, K. (2009) Adaptive reproduction schedule as a cause of worker policing in social Hymenoptera: a dynamic game analysis. The American Naturalist 173: 747-758.

Kikuchi, T., Nakagawa, T., Tsuji, K. (2008) Changes in relative importance of multiple social regulatory forces with colony size in the ant Diacamma sp. from Japan. Animal Behaviour 76: 2069-2077.

Tsuji, K., Tsuji, N. (2005) Why is dominance hierarchy age-related in social insects? The relative longevity hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58: 517-526.

Postdoc positions

Anyone who is interested in studying in Tsuji’s laboratory should consider applying to the JSPS Fellowships for Foreign Researchers.

Previous JSPS postdoctoral fellows in Tsuji’s lab:
    Kenji Matsuura (2003-2005)
    Tomonori Kikuchi (2003-2006, 2009-2011)
    Julien Le Breton (2004-2006)
    Fabien Ravary (2006-2008)

JIUSSI (Japanese section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects)


1. Tsuji, K., Ito, Y. (1986) Territoriality in a queenless ant, Pristomyrmex pungens (Hymenoptera, Myrmicinae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 21: 377-381.

2. Tsuji, K. (1988) Obligate parthenogenesis and reproductive division of labor in the Japanese queenless ant Pristomyrmex pungens: comparison of intranidal and extranidal workers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 23: 247-255.

3. Tsuji, K. (1988) Inter-colonial incompatibility and aggressive interactions in Pristomyrmex pungens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Ethology 6: 77-81.

4. Tsuji, K. (1988) Nest relocations in the Japanese queenless ant Pristomyrmex pungens Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 35: 321-340.

5. Tsuji, K. (1990) Reproductive division of labour related to age in the Japanese queenless ant Pristomyrmex pungens. Animal Behaviour 39: 843-849.

6. Tsuji, K. (1990) Nutrient storage in the major workers of Pheidole ryukyuensis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 25: 283-288.

7. Tsuji, K. (1990) Kin recognition in Pristomyrmex pungens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): asymmetrical change in acceptance and rejection due to odour transfer. Animal Behaviour 40: 306-312.

8. Tsuji, K., Furukawa, T., Kinomura, K., Takamine, H., Yamauchi, K. (1991) The caste system of the dolichoderine ant Technomyrmex albipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): morphological description of queens, workers and reproductively active intercastes. Insectes Sociaux 39: 413-422.

9. Yamauchi, K., Furukawa, T., Kinomura, K., Takamine, H., Tsuji, K. (1991) Secondary polygyny by inbred wingless sexuals in the dolichoderine ant Technomyrmex albipes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29: 313-319.

10. Tsuji, K. (1992) Sterility for life: applying the concept of eusociality. Animal Behaviour 44: 572-573.

11. Peeters, C., Tsuji, K. (1993) Reproductive conflict among ant workers in Diacamma sp. from Japan: dominance and egg cannibalism in the absence of the gamergate. Insectes Sociaux 40: 119-136.

12. Yamauchi, K. Kinomura, K., Corbara, B., Tsuji, K. (1993) Dommes preliminaries sur le comportment agonistique at reproductieur des deux castes de males ergatoides de la fourmi Hypoponera bondroiti Forel (Ponerinae). Actes Coll Insectes Sociaux 8: 173-177. (レフェリーなし)

13. Tsuji, K., Yamauchi, K. (1994) Colony level sex allocation in a polygynous and polydomous ant. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34: 157-167.

14. Tsuji, K. (1994) Inter-colonial selection for the maintenance of cooperative breeding in the ant Pristomyrmex pungens: a laboratory experiment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 35: 109-113.

15. Tsuji, K., Yamauchi, K. (1995) Production of females by parthenogenesis in the ant, Cerapachys biroi. Insectes Sociaux 42: 333-336.

16. Tsuji. K. (1995) Reproductive conflicts and levels of selection in the parthenogenetic ant, Pristomyrmex pungens: contextual analysis and partitioning of covariance. The American Naturalist 146: 586-607.

17. Ito, Y., Tanaka, S., Yukawa, J., Tsuji, K. (1995) Factors affecting ratio of soldiers in eusocial bamboo aphid, Pseudoregma bambucicola, colonies. Ecology Ethology and Evolution 7: 335-345.

18. Heize, J., Tsuji, K. (1995) Ant reproductive strategies. Researches on Population Ecology 37: 135-149.

19. Yamauchi, K., Kinomura, K., Corbara, B., Kinomura, K. Tsuji, K. (1996) Dimorphic ergatoid males and their reproductive behaviour in the ponerine ant Hypoponera bondroiti. Insectes Sociaux 43:119-130.

20. Tsuji, K. , Tsuji, N. (1996) Evolution of life history strategies in ants: variation in queen number and mode of colony founding. Oikos 76: 83-92.

21. Ogata, K., Murai, K., Yamauchi, K., Tsuji, K. (1996) Size differentiation of copulatory organs between winged and wingless reproductives in the ant Technomyrmex albipes. Naturwissenschaften 83: 331-333.

22. Nakata, K., Tsuji, K. (1996) The effect of colony size on the conflict over male-production between gamergate and dominant workers in the ponerinae ant Diacamma sp. Ecology Ethology and Evolution 8: 147-156.

23. Tsuji, K., Yamauchi, K. (1996) Intra-colonial sex ratio variation with and without local mate competition in an ant. The American Naturalist 148: 588-596.

24. Tsuji, K. (1996) Queen-male conflict over sperm use in social insects. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11: 490-491.

25. Tsuji, K., Nakata, K., Heinze, J. (1996) Lifespan and reproduction in a queenless ant. Naturwissenschaften 83: 577-578.

26. Janssen, E., Hoelldobler, B., Kern, F., Bestmann, H. J., Tsuji, K. (1997) Trail pheromone of myrmicine ant Pristomyrmex pungens, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 23: 1025-1034.

27. Tsuji, K., Tsuji, N. (1998) Indices of reproductive skew depend on mean reproductive success. Evolutionary Ecology 12: 141-152.

28. Tsuji, K., Peeters, P., Hoelldobler, B. (1998) Experimental investigation of the mechanism of reproductive differentiation in the queenless ant Diacamma sp. from Japan. Ethology 104: 633-643.

29. Nakata, K., Tsuji, K., Hoelldobler, B., Taki, A. (1998) Sexual calling by workers using metatibial glands in the ant, Diacamma sp. from Japan. Journal of Insect Behavior 11: 869-877.

30. Kikuta, N., Tsuji, K. (1999). Queen and worker policing in the monogynous and monandrous ant, Diacamma sp.. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 180-189.

31. Tsuji, K., Egashira, K., Hoelldober, B. (1999) Regulation of worker reproduction by direct physical contact in the ant Diacamma sp. from Japan. Animal Behaviour 58: 337-343.

32. Billen, J., Ito, F., Tsuji, K., E. Schoeters, R. Maile, E. D. Morgan (2000) Structure of the Dufour gland in Pristomyrmex ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Acta Zoologica 81: 159-166.

33. Liu, Z. B., Yamane, S.,Tsuji, K., Zheng, Z. M. (2000) Nestmate recognition and kin recognition in ants. Entomologia Sinica, 7: 71-96.

34. Tsuji, K. (2000) Red queen bees. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 351-352.

35. Tsuji, K., Ohkawara, K, Ito, F. (2001) Inter-nest relationship in the Indonesian ant, Myrmecina sp. A with some considerations for the evolution of unicoloniality in ants. Tropics 10: 409-420.

36. Ito, F., Yamane, S., Eguchi, K., Noerdjito, W., Kahono, S., Tsuji, K., Ohkawara, K., Yamauchi, K., Nishida, T., Nakamura, K. (2001) Ant species diversity in the Bogor Botanic garden, West Java, Indonesia, with Descriptions of two new species of the Genus Leptanilla (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Tropics 10: 379-404.

37. Tsuji, K., Kasuya, E. (2001) What do the indices of reproductive skew measure? The American Naturalist 158: 155-165.

38. Allard, D., Gobin, B., Ito, F., Tsuji, K., Billen, J. (2002) Sperm transfer in the Japanese queenless ant, Diacamma sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Netherland Journal of Zoology51:77-86.

39. Ono, S. Misawa, K., K. Tsuji (2003) Effect of group selection on the evolution of altruistic behavior. Journal of Theoretical Biology220:55-66.

40. Sasaki, T. Tsuji, K. (2003) Behavioral property of the unususl large workers in the ant, Pristomyrmex pungens. Journal of Ethology 21: 145-151.

41. Morinaga, S.-I., K. Tsuji, and S. Sakai. (2003). Consequences of differences in flowering date in seed production in Heloniopsis orientalis (Liliaceae). American Journal of Botany 90:1153-1158.

42. Tsuji, K., Ahsol, H., Harlion, Nakamura, K. (2004) The Asian weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, repels pollinators. Ecological Research 19: 19 (6): 669-673.

43. Gotoh, A., Sameshima, S., Tsuji, K., Matsumoto, T., Miura, T. (2005) Apoptotic wing degeneration and formation of an altruism-regulating glandular appendage (gemma) in the ponerine ant Diacamma sp. from Japan (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae).  Development, Genes and Evolution 215(2):69-77.

44. Kawabata, S., Tsuji, K. (2005) The policing behavior ‘immobilization’ towards ovary-developed workers in the ant, Diacamma sp. from Japan. Insectes Sociaux 52(1):89-96.

45. Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K. (2005) Unique social structure of Probolomyrmex longinodus. Entomoloical Science 8(1):1-3

46. Allard, D., Ito, F., Gobin, B., Tsuji, K., Billen, J. (2005) Differentiation of the reproductive tract between dominant and subordinate workers in the Japanese queenless ant Diacamma sp. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 86(2): 159-166.

47. Tsuji, K., Tsuji, N. (2005) Why is dominance hierarchy age-related in social insects? The relative longevity hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58 (5): 517-529.

48. Takahashi, J., Kikuchi, T., Ohnishi H., Tsuji, K. (2005) Isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci in the ponerinae ant Pachycondyla luteipes (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 749-751.

49. Tsuji, K. (2006) Life history strategy and evolution of insect societies: age structure, spatial distribution and density dependence. pp.21-36, in V. E. Kipyatkov. (ed). Life Cycles in Social Insects: Behavioural, Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, 156p. St. Petersburg University Press, St. Petersburg,

50. Le Breton, J., Takaku, G., Tsuji, K. (2006) Brood parasitism in an invasive population of the pest ant Pheidole megacephala. Insectes Sociaux. 53(2):168-171, 2006.

51. Okada, Y., Tsuji, K., Miura, T. (2006) Morphological differences between sexed in the ponerine ant Diacamma sp. (Formicidae: Ponerinae). Sociobiology 48(2): 527-541.(レフェリーなし)

52. Suwabe, M., Ohnishi, H., Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K. (2007) Nestmate discrimination in the queenless ponerine ant Diacamma sp. from Japan. Entomological Science 10(1):7-10.

53. Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K., Ohnishi, H., Le Breton, J. (2007) Caste-biased acceptance of non-nestmates in a polygynous ponerine ant. Animal Behaviour 73(4): 559-565

54. Nakamaru, M., Beppu, Y., Tsuji, K. (2007) Does disturbance favor dispersal? An analysis of ant migration using the colony-based lattice model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 248(2):288-300 (doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.05.012).

55. 菅原 研, 辻 和希 (2007) 社会的適応行動から学ぶ群ロボット-アリのコロニー形成と維持を対象として. 計測と制御 46 (12):928-933.

56. Hayashi, R., Tsuji,K. (2008) Spatial distribution of turtle barnacles on the green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas. Ecological Research 23(1):123-125

57. Kikuchi, T,, Miuazaki, S., Ohnishi, S., Takahashi, J., Nakajima, Y., Tsuji, K., (2008) Small queens and big headed workers in a monomorphic ponerine ant. Naturwissensaften 95(10):963-968.

58. Suwabe,M., Ohnishi, H., Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K. (in press). Seasonal and daily activity patterns of tramp and endemic ants in the northern forest of Okinawa Island. Ecological Research, doi:10.1007/s11284-008-0534-9

59. Kikuchi, T., Nakagawa, T., Tsuji, K. (2008) Changes in relative importance of multiple social regulatory forces with colony size in the ant Diacamma sp. from Japan.Animal Behaviour 76(6):2069-2077.

60. Dobata, S., Sasaki, T., Mori, H., Hasegawa, E., Shimada, M.,Tsuji, K. (2009) Cheater genotypes in the parthenogenetic ant Pristomyrmex punctatus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 276: 567-574.doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.1215

61. Dobata, S., Tsuji, K. 2009. A cheater lineage in a social insect: Implications for the evolution of cooperation in the wild. Communicative and Integrative Biology 2 (2): 1-4. (addendum to the PRSLB article)(レフェリーなし)

62.Ohtsuki, H., Tsuji, K. (in press) Adaptive reproduction schedule as a cause of worker policing in social Hymenoptera: a dynamic game analysis. The American Naturalist .

63. Matsuura, K., Vargo, E. L., Kawatsu,K., Labadie, P. E., Nakano, H., Yashiro, T., Tsuji, K. (in press) Queen succession through asexual reproduction in termites. Science.

64. Dobata, S., Hasegawa, E., Tsuji, K. (in press) Isolation and characterization of eleven nuclear microsatellite loci for the parthenogenetic ant Pristomyrmex punctatus. Molecular Ecology Resources.